Our Story
The Newark’s Youth One-Stop Career Center (NYOSCC) manages all the city’s public youth workforce programs and is governed by the Newark Workforce Development Board (NWDB). The workforce system envisioned by NYOSCC and the Newark Workforce Development Board is quality-focused, employer-driven, client-centered, and tailored to meet the needs of the local economy. It is designed to increase access to, and opportunities for, the employment, education, training, and support services that individuals need to succeed in the labor market, particularly those with barriers to employment.
This is accomplished by providing all clients access to a high-quality one-stop center – NewarkWORKS and Newark Youth One Stop - that connects them with the full range of services available in their communities, whether they are looking to find jobs, build basic educational or occupational skills, earn a postsecondary certificate or degree, or obtain guidance on how to make career choices, or are businesses and employers seeking skilled workers.
Our Services
View the programs we offer and all the our services.